Sunday 19 April 2020

Mi tía Lilia Salazar de Gómez

Es gracias a la permanencia de la imagen fotográfica que hoy podemos recordar a nuestros familiares como eran aquellos días de nuestra infancia. Aquí aparecen mi querida tía Lilia y su esposo Jesús Gómez que regresan a mi memoria tal y como los recuerdo a mediados de los años cincuenta.

Off to Paris, June 1988

This image was taken just before taking off to go on my first trip to Paris at the end of June of 1988. I was taken to SF Airport by my friends Serge Armand, Philip Adam (photographer) and my younger brother Beto, who was visiting on his annual sojourn to the City by the Bay. Only the good Lord knew what incredible changes would eventually take place in all our lives back then.

Villa de Leyva, Colombia 1975

Early Evening Walk