Friday 21 March 2008

Pequeño divertimento

Son innumerables las variedades del divertimento.
Cuando llega el fin de semana y las patitas del hastío - pequeños monstruos vagabundos- hasta ahora ausentes del entorno por aquello de la invención del trabajo, se aparecen por debajo de la puerta desde tempranas horas de la mañana. Se meten en la taza de café y ordenan bizcochos a quien pueda interesarle.
Entretanto comienzan a reclamar que se les escuche mientras demandan furiosas la justificación del ocio.
Para muestra un botón.

Sunday 2 March 2008

Rachel and Chris, Whitstable 2008

Rachel Maloney and Chris Curtis make their yearly pilgrimage to England to play in small clubs in London and the outlining provinces, always with a select number of friends who, like themselves, are true believers in the power of music. 
They live in Durham, North Carolina, and do an assortment of gigs in that part of the world as well. The night I saw them a couple of weeks ago in my neighborhood pub in Whitstable, Kent, the place was jammed with friends and strangers alike who were treated to a three hour marathon of blues and country melodies no one will be in a hurry to forget any time soon.
They came over to my garden shed to be photographed the following day and the strain of jamming with friends until 4 in the morning was still present in their faces.

Marina's one week old left foot

View of the harbour in St Ives

The vanishing summer, Kent 2005

Llegando a Londres

Nubes y sombras en Bath

London, The Thames

Early Evening Walk